Civic Creative Base Tokyo’s Future Ideations Camp is a series of intensive workshops bringing different kinds of people together to work collaboratively and creatively with art and digital technologies. Twenty selected participants take part in several days of lectures to acquire new ways of thinking, workshops for building skill sets, and collaborative group activities. During the camps, the general public are also able to attend talks and presentations of the results. Along with learning about the challenges related to each edition’s theme, participants employ creative approaches to engage with social issues and undertake collaborative group work with the aim of proposing new ideas for the future.
During the five-day camp, participants attempt to capture ecosystems as data and express them as information through the observation of microbial communities, plants and animals using DNA analysis, sensors and cameras. The exhibition presents scenes from the workshops and the results of the artworks and prototypes made by the participants.
Future Ideations Camp Vol.4|Understanding and Creatively Expressing Ecosystems as Data Results Exhibition
Dates: October 12 (Sat) – October 16 (Wed), 2024
Results Exhibition: October 17 (Thu) – October 20 (Sun), 2024
Venue: Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]

What do you imagine when you think about ecosystems? Many of you may picture natural environments such as lush woodlands and rivers, or the ocean where countless organisms exist. However, we must not forget that we, too, exist in relation to all other living beings including microorganisms and viruses, in our respective environments; urban cities, where many of us spend our days, can also be considered a part of a larger ecosystem. This notion suggests there is much room for improving and deepening our understanding of what constitutes an ecosystem and new insights present significant value for us to revisit our pre-existing understandings.
Adopting the idea of “perceiving and articulating ecosystems as data,” this Camp is designed to do exactly that: to offer participants the occasion to actively engage in the ecosystem that would encourage a more comprehensive, multispecies understanding of the term.
Participants observed a wide range of life forms—from the micro (microorganisms) to the macro (plants and animals)—and, throughout the Camp, learned methods of sampling, interpreting, and articulating collected data. The participants also worked in groups to plan and present their prototypes materialized from their discussions on ecosystems. We do hope that they will continue to be aware of the ecosystem in which they live and carry on with their projects however they may evolve.
In the exhibit, we have showcased the participants’ output from their experiences in the Camp. We trust that they will each resonate with you and offer a different light as you make your way out from CCBT and back to your own ecosystems.
Enomoto Teruya (scientist, researcher)
Tsuda Kazutoshi (researcher)
Results Exhibition

Arima Irin
Creative Alchemist

Inokuchi Yohei
designer, researcher

Ueda Yosuke
science communicator

Human being

Ohira Mai
design engineer, graduate student, Tokyo University

Ogawa Aiyu
university student

Ochi Azusa

Kawahara Keita

Kanno Zen

Koyama Nene

Sano Fushi
sound artist, device creator

Shion Kim
artist, data analyst)

Shichi Tomomi
office worker

Shibuya Kazufumi
artist, graduate student, Tama Art University


Tanaka Masato
graduate student, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture

Tokuno Kihiro

Nakano Kana

Nakahashi Yuri
design researcher

university student, Waseda University

Niina Sakura

Misa Haneda

Hiramatsu Mamoru
graduate student, Meisei University

Hirayama Riki
design engineer

Yang Tingshu

Ikeda Takehide
PhD in physics and specializes in ecology and the study of animal behavior, Project Assistant Professor, Utsunomiya University

Ishikawa Yukako
urbanist, experience designer / Co-Director, for Cities / Director, Social Green Design / Director, watage

Ishibashi Tomoya

Elizabeth Hénaff
computational biologist, artist

Oron Catts
artist / co-founder and director of SymbioticA

Konno Keina
Program and experience designer

Suzuki Haruo
Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University

Suzuki Rumiko
Project Associate Professor, Biological Networks Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics

Tsunoda Hajime
designer, engineer

Dorita (Takido Dorita)
artist, director, designer

Nakamura Keiko
doctor of science / Honorary Director, JT Biohistory Research Hall

Murakami Hisashi

Yamabe Masaki
Data Visualization Artist, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at Hitotsubashi University
- プログラム・ディレクション
- 伊藤隆之(CCBT)
- プログラム・マネジメント
- 廣田ふみ(CCBT)、小林玲衣奈(CCBT)
- テクニカル・スタッフ
- 三浦大輝(arsaffix)、木村悠介(arsaffix)、田部井勝彦(CCBT)、乙戸将司(CCBT)
- 運営
- 岩中可南子(オノコロ)、冠那菜奈(オノコロ)、小泉実樹(オノコロ)、林慶一(オノコロ)
- 英語に関する全て
- 佐野明子
- 記録
- 岡本彰生(ネーアントン合同会社)、斉藤純平、冨田了平
Organizer: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] (Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)