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Koyama Nene


Born in Gifu in 1999, Koyama Nene is currently pursuing her master’s degree at Tama Art University. She creates work around the theme of human existence from non-human perspectives, employing various methods such as biotechnological experiments, video production, and electronics. Her recent major works include Fushi no Niku (Immortal Flesh), which embodies the flesh of a mermaid through cell culture, the Luna micro sculpture exhibition “Noah’s Ark,” a video project envisioning microscopic sculptures being released onto the moon’s surface via satellite, and the “What if ‘blah blah’ mimics me?” series, which reverses the relationship between objects and humans. Koyama’s major exhibitions include the “ICC Kids Program 2023: Hi, Nice to Meet Me!” (NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], 2023). Last Updated: 2024.10
