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Suzuki Rumiko

Project Associate Professor, Biological Networks Laboratory, National Institute of GeneticsCity Ŝizuoka

Suzuki Rumiko is a specialist in population and evolutionary genetics. From 2010 to 2019, she conducted research at the Oita University Faculty of Medicine, estimating prehistoric human migrations as indicated by Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that infects the human stomach. During this time, she also served as a hot springs master in Beppu. In 2019, she joined the National Institute of Genetics in Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture, taking part in the Yaponesian Project, which comprehensively studies human populations, cultivated plants, livestock, languages, and the archaeology of the Japanese archipelago, and investigates regional variations from modern Japanese genomes. Suzuki currently continues her research on Helicobacter pylori alongside analysis of environmental DNA.Last Updated: 2024.08


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短髪の男性が、室内で小さな箱を持っている。男性は黒いポロシャツを着ており、背景には天井のエアコンと照明が見える。箱には「Tokyo, Japan-4」と書かれたラベルが貼られている。

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