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Murakami Hisashi

ResearcherCity Kyoto

Murakami Hisashi earned his PhD in physics from Kobe University in 2015. After stints as a postdoctoral researcher at the Waseda University School of Science and Engineering, assistant professor at the Kanagawa University Faculty of Engineering, and at the University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, he took up his current post as a professor in human science at the Kyoto Institute of Technology Department of Information Science in 2021. Murakami does research on the Mictyris brevidactylus crab, Austruca perplexa fiddler crab, sweetfish, and human beings, conducting experiments and building computation models on herd behavior, exploratory behavior, and navigation.Last Updated: 2024.08


Ikeda Takehide

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Ishikawa Yukako

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Enomoto Teruya

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短髪の男性が、室内で小さな箱を持っている。男性は黒いポロシャツを着ており、背景には天井のエアコンと照明が見える。箱には「Tokyo, Japan-4」と書かれたラベルが貼られている。

Suzuki Haruo

Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University

Suzuki Rumiko

Project Associate Professor, Biological Networks Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics

Tsuda Kazutoshi



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designer, engineer


Dorita (Takido Dorita)

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Nakamura Keiko

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Yamabe Masaki

Data Visualization Artist, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at Hitotsubashi University