Civic Creative Base Tokyo
Occupying an intermediary position between an engineer and artist, _hyp’s work is idiosyncratic and nonconformist. His work has appeared at SXSW 2019, Japan Media Arts Festival × MUTEK.JP (2019), SIGGRAPH Asia 2021, and more.Last Updated: 2024.08, researcher
designer, technologist, author, artist
artist, VJ
software engineer, artist
Artist , Professor, Samsung Art & Design Institute
artist, researcher, educator
woodcut artist, visual artist
artist, educater
multidisciplinary artist
Artist, Chairman of the Japan Generative Art Foundation
software developer, artist
artist, programmer
engineer, artist
artist, traveler
generative art practitioner, university student
engineer, researcher / Project Assistant Professor, Digital Hollywood University
artist, creative coder
engineer, idea designer
generative artist
artist, creative technologist
artist, engineer
generative artist, creative coder