Civic Creative Base Tokyo
Born in Aichi prefecture, 1987. Masters at Tokyo University of Science Department of Architecture and Art University of Information and Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) Department of Media Creation program. After working at noiz architects, became a member of v0id, a collective of individuals from various backgrounds: architecture, photography, graphic design, to name just a few. Cross disciplinary works including fields such as videography, installations, interior design, and fashion design. Awards include MADD. (Movie for Art, Design and Data) Award 2019 Excellence Award, ADAA (Asia Digital Art Award) 2019, International Talent Support ITS 2020 Finalist. Member of Synflux since 2021.Last Updated: 2025.02 design laboratory
Speculative fashion designer / CEO of Synflux Co., Ltd.
Speculative fashion designer / CDO of Synflux Co., Ltd.
Fashion researcher / CCO of Synflux Co., Ltd.