We published CCBT Annual 2022-2023, a report that comprises 1.5 years worth of our programs since we opened in Oct. 2022.
Civic Creative Base Tokyo has published Civic Creative Base Tokyo Annual Report 2022–2023, a comprehensive documentation of the various activities that CCBT organized over the roughly eighteen months from its opening in October 2022 until March 2024 (the end of fiscal 2023).
Along with introducing thirty-two projects and events held at CCBT, the report features interviews with artists and other participants. We hope the content conveys a sense of the forward-looking actions and social experiments carried out by CCBT, Tokyo’s new creative hub.
Physical copies of the report are available at CCBT as well as libraries at art colleges and museums around Japan, among other locations. It is also available to download.

Writers: Hirota Fumi (CCBT), Shimada Mei (CCBT)
Editors: Shono Yusuke, Yagi Ayumi
Editorial Support: Otsuto Masashi (CCBT), Kashima Moeko
Art Direction: MAEDA DESIGN
Published by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Civic Creative Base Tokyo (Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
03 Preface
04 About CCBT / Mission
08 Timeline of the CCBT Core Programs
Opening Events
16 Future Tokyo Undokai (Sports Day)
20 Maywa Denki Shibuya Factory in CCBT
26 Symposium: Civic Creativity and Innovation: Digital Creativity’s Future Visions of Society
27 Symposium: Making Tokyo More Creative, Making Tokyo Better
Core Programs
・Art Incubation
32 Art Incubation Overview
34 Tomo Kihara + Playfool「Deviation Game ver 1.0」
38 Asami Kazuhiko + God Scorpion + YOSHIDAYAMAR「AUGMENTED SITUATION D」
42 SIDE CORE「rode work ver. under city」
46 Inukai Hiroshi + Developlayers「Future Tokyo Undokai (Sports Day)」
48 Tokolo Asao + Hiramoto Tomoki + Iguchi Kota「FORMING SPHERES」
52 Interview with Playfool
58 Interview with SIDE CORE
64 TMPR (Iwasawa Brothers + Horikawa Junichiro + Miyama Yu + Nakata Kazue) 「Tracing the Landscape That AI Beheld: An Artificial Intelligence Travelogue」
68 Synflux「WORTH: Digital Fashion Platform」
72 contact Gonzo「my binta, your binta // lol ~ roars from the skinland ~」
76 SnoezeLab.「IISE (Immersive Inclusive Sensory Environment)」
80 ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! Electromagnetic Matsuri Parade
84 Interview with Ukawa Naohiro
92 Future Ideations Camp vol.1「Import *」
96 Future Ideations Camp Vol.2「setup():setup(): Making New Rules with Blockchains」
100 CCBT × Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2024「Poems in Code: Generative Art Today and Programming-Generated Moving Image」
104 Interview with Seo Hyo-jung
110 Future Ideations Camp Vol.3「Co-creating Opportunities for Inclusive Encounters Workshop」
116 Media Art Studies 2023: Playing with Your Eyes (Directed by Iwai Toshio)
120 Interview with Iwai Toshio
126 MPLUSPLUS「Embodiment++」
132 Inspiration Dojo
136 360° Zukan in CCBT
137 Gyaru-den Electric Shock Workshop: Make a flashing circuit board accessory with Gyaru-den!
138 Interview with Senbaku
146 Hello from the Global Creative Laboratories! Vol. 1, Vol. 2
150 Learning from Kusahara Machiko Sensei!
151 Fantasy Reverse-Engineering Digital Tech in Music Performances on TV: How Do They Do That?
152 John Maeda: Design and Artificial Intelligence
153 Is CCBT a Digital Community Center? Building Communities at Creative Hubs
154 Four Hours Live Get-Together Special Media Art Studies for All: Meeting Iwai Toshio
155 Stelarc × contact Gonzo: Extended Bodies and Physical Collision
156 Intersectional Bodies/Genders/Images/Technologies: Ambiguous Practices and Theory in the Cyberfeminism Index
158 Partner Projects CCBTx
166 Related Information
CCBT Analytics: CCBT by the Numbers
CCBT Timeline
CCBT Events Chronicle 2022–2023
Further Exhibitions and Events
Production Staff