Home / Shibata Yusuke + Token Art Center

Shibata Yusuke + Token Art Center

Popular Kappou Daitaiya Ⅱ (tentative title)

Shibata Yusuke + Token Art Center

This is a collaboration between the artist Shibata Yusuke, known for his work that focuses on the ambiguity and uncertainty of reality, and Token Art Center, which holds exhibitions of up-and-coming artists and atypical performance events around the city. They undertake a range of research on food and, based on that, create work that provides an experience of eating and drinking.

Year Selected



Popular Kappou Daitaiya Ⅱ (tentative title)


Based on the concept of the substitute—an important element in Japanese food culture since the modern era—this project utilizes biotechnology-produced ingredients to explore eating and living. Through research into food culture and history in Shibuya, a district with a distinct ecosystem within the metropolis, the project will create cuisine that substitutes the original ingredients and recipes. At a performance, participants will be able to eat this food. The project aims to transcend simplistic binaries of authentic and inauthentic, natural and manmade, good and bad, and examine the irreplaceable humanity of individuals.

CCBT Art Incubation Program

One of CCBT’s core programs, the Art Incubation Program provides opportunities for creative talent to undertake new projects and makes those processes accessible to the public, facilitating forms of artistic expression, exploration, and action that change our city for the better. Selected through an open call, five artist fellows will act as CCBT partners, developing their projects, making the creative process public, exhibiting the results, and holding workshops and talks.
▶︎Details: CCBT Art Incubation Program

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