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Oron Catts

artist / co-founder and director of SymbioticACity South Australia

Oron Catts is the co-founder and director of SymbioticA: The Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia. SymbioticA was awarded the inaugural Golden Nica for Hybrid Arts at Prix Ars Electronica in 2007, and the WA Premier’s Award in 2008. In 1996, he founded the Tissue Culture & Art Project with Ionat Zurr. As part of this project, they were the first to grow and eat cultured meat, and produced Victimless Leather in 2004, growing tissue into a leather without hurting animals. Catts was a Professor at Large in Contestable Design at the Royal College for the Arts, a visiting scholar at the Department of Art and Art History, Stanford University, and a visiting professor at the School of Art, Design and Architecture in Aalto University, Helsinki. Catts has curated thirteen exhibitions and published several books and more than a hundred book chapters and journal articles. His art projects have featured in venues such New York’s Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Mori Art Museum, Science Gallery London and Dublin, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Ars Electronica, and National Art Museum of China.Last Updated: 2024.08


Ikeda Takehide

PhD in physics and specializes in ecology and the study of animal behavior, Project Assistant Professor, Utsunomiya University


Ishikawa Yukako

urbanist, experience designer / Co-Director, for Cities / Director, Social Green Design / Director, watage

Ishibashi Tomoya



Enomoto Teruya

scientist, researcher


Elizabeth Hénaff

computational biologist, artist


Konno Keina

Program and experience designer

短髪の男性が、室内で小さな箱を持っている。男性は黒いポロシャツを着ており、背景には天井のエアコンと照明が見える。箱には「Tokyo, Japan-4」と書かれたラベルが貼られている。

Suzuki Haruo

Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University

Suzuki Rumiko

Project Associate Professor, Biological Networks Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics

Tsuda Kazutoshi



Tsunoda Hajime

designer, engineer


Dorita (Takido Dorita)

artist, director, designer

Nakamura Keiko

doctor of science / Honorary Director, JT Biohistory Research Hall


Murakami Hisashi



Yamabe Masaki

Data Visualization Artist, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at Hitotsubashi University