Home / Players / Stelarc


performance artistCity Australia Barat

Stelarc is an Australian performance artist, who has lived in Japan for 19 years. His projects and performances explore alternate anatomical architectures, interrogating issues of embodiment, agency, identity and the post-human. Stelarc’s works incorporate Prosthetics, Robotics, Medical Imaging and Biotechnology. One of the most significant works, Third Hand, was created with the Japanese robotics engineers in 1980. He has been surgically constructing and stem-cell growing an ear on his arm that will be electronically augmented and internet enabled (Golden Nika, Ars Electronica Hybrid Arts Prize, Linz, Austria,2010). He is continuously working on large-scale projects, creating works that incorporate remote interactivity.Last Updated: 2024.08


contact Gonzo

performance group

Minamizawa Kouta

Professor, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design

Kai Kunze

Professor at the Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University