The third public event in the Future Ideations Camp at Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] features Golan Levin, the artist, engineer, educator, and pioneering figure in computational design.
Though art and design education has increasingly used computers since the 1990s, the importance of technology-mediated design and expression has gained renewed attention in recent years, not least in STEAM education. In Japan, programming has become a compulsory part of the curriculum at elementary schools, information education is developing, and various approaches to teaching and studying these subjects are underway. Across a range of media art projects, Golan Levin has proposed ways in which programming and coding can be used as mediums of expression, greatly influencing the next generation of artists. In the field of art and design education, his recently published handbook has shown us how to teach and learn programming, and is fast becoming an essential reference book*.
From the twin perspectives of his art projects and educational activities, Levin’s keynote lecture reconsiders the possibilities and necessity of harnessing digital technology to express ourselves. What are we able to gain by creatively utilizing code and other new tools? Armed with just a laptop, artists across the world today reveal prospects for living creatively and for encounters and collaborations with others that begin with personal approaches.
* Golan Levin, Tega Brain “Code as Creative Medium: A Handbook for Computational Art and Design” (MIT Press, Feb 2, 2021)
◆Event detail
Future Ideations Camp vol.1: Import *
keynote lecture 03
“Media Art Histories, Education, and Futures: An Individual Perspective”
Date & Time: February 20 (Mon), 2023 7:00 pm-8:30 pm(Open 6:45 pm)
Speaker: Golan Levin (Artist, Engineer, Researcher, Educator)
Free Admission (Pre-Registration Required) *Capacity 70
English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation Available
Organizers: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture
* Live-streaming Available in CCBT YouTube Channel
– To Register
Please register via Registration form

Golan Levin
Artist, Engineer, Researcher, Educator
Golan Levin (b. 1972) explores new intersections of machine code, visual culture, and critical making. Currently Professor of Electronic Art in the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University, his pedagogy is concerned with reclaiming computation as a medium of personal expression. Levin has been embedded within technological research environments such as the MIT Media Laboratory and Ars Electronica Futurelab for over 30 years and recently co-authored Code as Creative Medium (MIT Press, 2021). Levin’s work combines the whimsical, the provocative, and the sublime in an eclectic variety of online, installation, and performance media. He applies creative twists to digital technologies that highlight our relationship with machines, expand the vocabulary of human action, and awaken participants to their potential as creative actors.