contact Gonzo “my binta, your binta // lol ~ flying objects in the skinland ~”

Friday, May 3 6:00pm (post-show talk)
Saturday, May 4 1:30pm
Duration: 60min.

  • Performances

contact Gonzo

The return of this unprecedented event in which contact Gonzo, the group known for its improvised performances based on colliding bodies, enables the audience to share the pain and impact felt by the performers. In the performance, the sensations and physical experiences of the contact Gonzo members are hyper-amplified, and diffused as sound pressure by speakers in the venue, stimulating the audience both visually and physically. Enjoy a literally tingly, stinging experience with your whole body via contact Gonzo’s unique interpretation of shared sensation.

contact Gonzo

contact Gonzo “my binta, your binta // lol ~ flying objects in the skinland ~”

Friday, May 3 6:00pm (post-show talk)
Saturday, May 4 1:30pm
Duration: 60min.

SusHi Tech Square 1F

3-8-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Google Maps

Audience Warning
The performance features continual loud, low-frequency sound exceeding 100 decibels from eight woofers. This is a similar volume to the sound of a car horn under an overpass. The low-frequency sounds also produce vibrations akin to being in close proximity to a performance by Japanese taiko drums. As such, the performance is not recommended for those with heart conditions, anyone with a pacemaker, pregnant women, young children, or others concerned about the performance’s effect on their body.

Free Admission (Pre-Registration Required)
See the CCBT website for how to participate and other information. If you would like sign language interpretation, text input assistance, or other forms of support, please notify us when registering for an event or contact CCBT.

Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]
Tel: (+81)3-5458-2700(Office hours only)
