Make and Play with Phenakistiscopes!

Friday, May 3–Sunday, May 19

  • Exhibitions

Making Phenakistiscopes

Held in July 2023 at Civic Creative Base Tokyo and directed by Iwai Toshio, Media Art Studies 2023: Playing with Your Eyes went back to the origins of moving images, offering a multifaceted exploration of the wonder and awe intrinsic to animation.
One of the most popular parts of the Playing with Your Eyes program was the interactive animation devices conceived by Iwai. These now make their highly anticipated return at CCBT Compass! The two exhibits allow visitors to try their hand at creating their own phenakistiscopes, and experience the design principles behind how moving images work that are also the basis for the intersection of art and technology!

Media Art Studies 2023
“Playing with Your Eyes” Directed by Iwai Toshio

Creative Corner: Make Your Own Flower-Shaped Phenakistiscope


Draw pictures on eight flower petals, each slightly different. Cut them out with scissors and then put together to create your own unique animation! See how the pictures move before and after you cut them out on the Phenakistiscope Checking Machine! If you don’t like to draw, you can use stickers instead. Have fun making a unique phenakistiscope device.

Exhibition: Interactive Phenakistiscope Table

The nineteenth-century animation device phenakistiscope evolves, thanks to the imagination of Iwai Toshio. Change the poses of the Rivet-kun paper figure on the round table and, before you know it, the character appears animated on the screen. Work together to create fun moving images!

Make and Play with Phenakistiscopes!

Make and Play with Phenakistiscopes!

Friday, May 3–Sunday, May 19
Opening Weekdays | 1:00pm–9:00pm
Holidays | 10:00am–9:00pm

SusHi Tech Square 1F

3-8-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Google Maps

Free Admission
See the CCBT website for how to participate and other information. If you would like sign language interpretation, text input assistance, or other forms of support, please contact CCBT.

Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]
Tel: (+81)3-5458-2700(Office hours only)